Acerca del pago por conexión telefónica / About pay for use Dial-In

Recibí un correo comentando lo siguiente:
Recently we have been forced to shoulder large costs to carry Dial-In traffic to both India and Mexico. […] If you or your participants would like to use Dial-In however, there will be a per minute charge.

Sobreentiendo que se refiere a quienes se conectan a la conferencia por llamada telefónica. No me queda claro y quisiera saber como sera ese cargo por minuto para conexiones telefónicas.
¿El que llama asumiría el costo?
¿El host es quien tendría que pagar por los minutos acumulados en una especie de recibo mensual? ¿O sera prepago por una cantidad de minutos? ¿O sera una especie de paquete de llamadas ilimitadas? ¿Y cual seria el costo que se manejara por minuto o por paquete?
Agradezco la atención prestada.

I received an email commenting on the following:

  • Recently we have been forced to shoulder large costs to carry Dial-In traffic to both India and Mexico. […] If you or your participants would like to use Dial-In however, there will be a per minute charge. *

I understand that it refers to those who connect to the conference by telephone call. It is not clear to me and I would like to know how that charge per minute for telephone connections will be like.
Would the caller bear the cost?
Is the host the one who would have to pay for the accumulated minutes in a kind of monthly receipt? Or will it be prepaid for a number of minutes? Or is it some kind of unlimited calling package? And what would be the cost per minute or per package?
I appreciate the attention provided.


You are correct that this refers only to those joining via telephone in Mexico, and the change will not happen until January 2021.

As far as the costs, we are still negotiating to get the best prices for our customers. As soon as we have finalized out pricing, we will be sending out another email to let our users know, but those are still being finalized with our international partner network.

As far as the charged, the owner of the host account will need to provide a credit card to enable access and secure any charges. The telephone call would continue to be free to the person placing the call into the bridge.

The only payment method we support is post-pay – or paying at the end of the month for all minutes which were used. We do not yet support pre-pay for a certain number of minutes, but that feature is currently in our product backlog to be added in the future.

Thank you for your feedback and support of our product,

Product Manager


Saludos. Desearía saber si ya existe información al respecto para México: Fechas, costo, si ofrecerán algún paquete?

Regards. I would like to know if there is already information about it for Mexico: Dates, cost, if they will offer any packages?
Thank you


We do not yet have a finalized date that Mexico will transition to a premium (paid) country for telephone access. We will be sending all users who communicate with people in Mexico an email with a specific timeline. We will be giving at least a week’s notice

We have been negotiating with our providers to get the best rate possible, and believe we can secure pricing of 3¢ per minute per caller or less.

Product Manager

Me gustaria saber si ya existe alguna informacion sobre la fecha de inicio y el monto a pagar, para hacer preparativos.

I would like to know if there is already any information on the start date and the amount to be paid, to make preparations.
