How to broadcast video to another room

Is there any way, either with the freeconferencecall tools or with external software, to relay the video from one room to another?
(An apology, English is not my native language)

Existira alguna manera, ya sea con las herramientas de freeconferencecall o con software externo, para retransmitir el video de una sala a otra?


If you want to show your screen or video on a different screen in another room, that screen would need to be connected to a device that can support the FreeConferenceCall application, wither it be our desktop application or mobile application. Thank you.

Thank you. I try to use the “share” feature but, dont work… I can’t get transmit nothing. There are an " how to share" manual?
Thanks again.

Hello, it is a bit difficult to understand what you mean by the ‘room’
If you mean ‘meeting room’ than the answer is ‘no’. We do not offer a connection between different meeting rooms
Although you may find a hardware solution that would grab the video from a whole monitor and turns it into a web camera feed that you will be able to send to another meeting room

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