My dial-in number changed?!?

So I’m confused, at some point in the last couple of weeks my Dial-in number changed. It’s 100% different than the number I had been using for ~1 month and made a couple dozen calls on. But my access code and host pin stayed the same.

Is this normal? Maybe I didn’t understand something correctly when I signed up. Will it change again? How often? It is a pain because I have to go update a bunch of meeting invites.


Yes, this is normal, we recently had to update our conference dial-in numbers in order to ensure the best audio quality possible for our users. When calling the old number you will be provided with the new conference dial-in number. We also send out email notifications providing you with the date the number will be changed and what number it will be changed to.

Best regards,
Jausrael Flores

Ah, thanks. I probably deleted the email thinking it was just one of those notifications that I had a new recording!