Question about virtual phone

I contacted customer care a few days ago and they told me by getting the international virtual phone plan, I can get a Singapore number. However,I would like to know if the number will be a 3138… (VOIP number) or a 67036… (International toll free) or 1900…(audioline) or what other number.
I would also like to get a link to the number pool(if any)
Thank you.

err… does anyone have an answer?

With the international virtual phone, you would still be receiving a US phone number and not an international number. The list of USA states and the area codes is available on the web site (where the user initiates the change of number).

Hello,The Call Center people told me that I can get a singapore number,is that guy right? I’m rather confused.

On behalf of FreeConferenceCall, I apologize if you were given the incorrect information. With the international virtual phone, you would be receiving a US phone number and not an international number.

Ok Thank you then.
:grinning: :grinning: