Screen sharing failure in latest version

latest version which supports audio screen sharing freezes my whole screen and I have to power cycle my laptop.

Hello, does it freeze when you try to share the sound or it freezes regardless?

Both…I tried sound sharing first…then after a reboot I tried sharing without sound.
Neither workied

Please reproduce the problem (without sound sharing)
and then send us logs as explained here

Please put the ticket number here.

I suspect antivirus (specifically Webroot) blocking our screen capturing.

Thank you,

I can now successfully share my screen again, albeit sharing computer sound still does not work. I deleted all of the old installer files and downloaded a new one.

ok, so it seems to be related to the sound sharing. This is a new and tricky feature and may have problems in corner cases.
Could you please do the same thing anyway? This helps us to narrow the problem down

  • reproduce the problem
  • submit logs
  • tell us the ticket number

Thank you,